The Reviewing Process
The Reviewing phase is a vital part of CodeCall's competitive development projects, ensuring that our projects are fair, transparent, and uphold the highest standards of integrity.
Here's a detailed overview of how the judging process works.
Overview of reviewing Phases
We divide the reviewing process into two phases:
Reviewing Phase
Evaluation Phase
Both phases occur after the contest's closed submission window, typically lasting around 1 week. Once reviewing begins, further submissions will be disabled.
All eligible members can participate in the reviewing phase as reviewers. Each project will have 3 reviewers which one of these will be a random pick of lead reviewer for the project.
Reviewers will use the discord server to submit their assessments for review for each contest, earning rewards based on their performance and accuracy.
For more information on reviewing and eligibility, check out our detailed guide here.
At CodeCall, we are dedicated to maintaining a reviewing process that is fair and transparent. We consistently refine our methods to adhere to best practices, ensuring that every participant receives comprehensive and impartial feedback.
Last updated